Dr. Bellak was referred to as Leo the Lion

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CEO – Kerin Bellak Adams
“We are here to leave this world a little better then when we got here”


CEO – Kerin Bellak Adams
with Dr. Erik Erickson 1970 NYC Conference

Leo the Lion and the Kangaroos
(Looking for a Publisher)

The Wall Street Journal - "Could Adults Live with a Distinct Kind of ADHD?" May 2016

July 26, 2016

Many children have ADHD but due to family support as in  the case of Albert Einstein, and to date, many others in today’s society, children who have ADHD but for years, get misdiagnosed or despite the diagnosis don’t get the help they need.    According the this article,  paraphrased ” there are many forms of criteria which determine true ADHD symptoms, however the bottom line is, whether they are diagnosed sooner or later is something of great importance.   By the time kids enter college,  without the acquired skill sets,   they  often aren’t unable to keep up unless they have had real help with basic executive functions shortcomings. “This is  because they lack the organizational skills, needed to succeed.”  This lack of order,  can lead to unfulfilled experiences at college and after college.  In addition, CAPD, is a quiet culprit that comes behind ADHD. Central Auditory Processing Disorder makes grasping information very challenging because the brain does not grasp information at an average speed. Diagnostic evaluations do not include this as a barometer for competency. So a student can feel like a dummy and it has nothing to do with the level of intelligence.   Kerin’s book ADHD Success! Sold on both websites below,  includes  many creative ways to help kids feel better about themselves and Kerin knows how to test for auditory issues using her profile intake.   As with all other disorders, the sooner the help arrives, the better.  

Kerin Bellak- Adams/BA, Founder Of


Kerin will be working with some high level achieving  kids on the Spectrum who have mild cases in which they need some emotional regulation.  Kerin helps kids through diagrams.