Dr. Bellak was referred to as Leo the Lion

The CAT is published in the following countries:

Spain, Brazil, India, France, South Korea, Mexico, Germany, Poland, Romania, Italy, Israel, Hungary, Indonesia, Bulgaria, Russia, Turkey, Ukraine, France, Greece, and Croatia


CEO – Kerin Bellak Adams
“We are here to leave this world a little better then when we got here”


CEO – Kerin Bellak Adams
with Dr. Erik Erickson 1970 NYC Conference

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” Helping One Child At a Time”

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C.P.S. Publishing LLC

See new 2019 discounted kits!!!!

C.A.T. -H Illustrations In Color (Card #10 Includes Asian Subjects!) 

They are NOW here!!

“You do great things to continue the legacy of your wonderful measures”  

–  Dr. Dragos ILiescu- Test Central, Romania

C.A.T.-A Illustrations – Now in Color!

Our C.A.T.-A Illustrations are now available in vibrant colors, making it easier and quicker for young children to relate to! Now published in South Africa, S. Korea, Italy, Israel, Russia, Turkey, Ukraine, Hungary, Croatia!

T.A.T. / S.A.T. Kit 

T.A.T. Discounted Price

CAT:Great New Uses for a Proven Technique

The Children’s Apperception Test (CAT) has broadened its usage spectrum.

This clinically valuable projective technique, which delves into a child’s relationships through the usage of animal and human portraits, is an excellent tool for art therapists,social workers,and other professionals. Applications include:

Usage for autistic patients who often excel in the arts.
Usefulness for non-autistic students or patients as well. For instance CAT can:
  • Tap into their imaginations
  • Sharpen their language skills
  • Help them to better organize their thoughts
  • Encourage them to feel more empowered

Children experiencing bullying or other social difficulties have an avenue to express their inner thoughts to the examiner without feeling threatened.

Those with unique challenges, such as Tourette’s Syndrome, can also benefit through usage of this safe and effective measurement technique, helping them verbalize their thoughts. All patients and or students can feel  a sense of self-esteem, and not feel judged while relating their own lives to the picture Cards.

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AFPAG-Paris, France 

Presents: Conference on the C.A.T.  Sept 2018

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Autism and the C.A.T.

For purchase/rent, please contact Wallonie Image Production at www.wip.be

C.A.T. – A Color Testimonies

“You do great things to continue the legacy of your wonderful measures”

A C.P.S. Licensee

“The C.A.T. -A color is more “child friendly” than the C.A.T. -A monochrome.”

Dr. David Abrams

“Our customer informed: the children were attracted to C.A.T-A and cause more reaction”

 Emily – Unifacmanu Trading Co

“I like the C.A.T. -A in color, because I apply psychodynamic interpretation to examinee responses. I use it in various situations. I plan to continue using the C.P.S. projective tools with examinees who (a) are likely to have emotional problems and (b) are reticent to articulate.”

Dr. D, Psy.D.

“The addition of color to the C.A.T.-A provides a useful update to this important test. The use of color should promote greater engagement of children in the assessment. In addition, including color in the test stimuli has the potential to open up avenues for analysis of structural features of examinees’ responses.”

Marc J. Diener, Ph.D., Ass’t Professor

“The C.A.T. can be used effectively by forensic psychologists for custody cases and for criminal cases such as in sexual abuse.”

Dr Andrea Birdsall