Dr. Bellak was referred to as Leo the Lion

The CAT is published in the following countries:

Spain, Brazil, India, France, South Korea, Mexico, Germany, Poland, Romania, Italy, Israel, Hungary, Indonesia, Bulgaria, Russia, Turkey, Ukraine, France, and Croatia

(Photo of Dr. Henry Murray and Dr. Leopold Bellak)

CEO – Kerin Bellak Adams
with Dr. Erik Erickson 1970 NYC Conference

Member of Association of Test Publishers – Global
Member of Therapeutic Assessments

We have had an opportunity to review the sample assessments that you provided, as well as the film on your website. My review has given me an appreciation for the scope of your father’s accomplishments.

Curemark is currently focused on drug development and conducting studies that meet FDA’s drug development criteria. One aspect of FDA’s oversight is the requirement that any testing regimens used in a clinical study are developed from validated instruments. 

The value of  the CPS assessments that are  novel  and   could be to use the test in a clinical trial to demonstrate drug product effect/efficacy. As per the FDA Guidance however, the test data would need to be from a validated instrument. Anticipating that we may want to incorporate the Apperception test, Curemark will re-review the Apperception tests you provided, prior to undertaking any clinical trials in Autism, ADHD and  Schizophrenia. There seems to be inflamation and a missing chromosome. 

Thank you for your interest in developing tools that will help in the assessment and development of treatments for these difficult to treat conditions, in which we have a shared interest.

All the best, William 
Curemark, Rye New York 2023
“Congrats on the beautiful press on Dr Bellak’s work and yourself in the french newsletter of Pearson.”
Dr. Selma  Belghiti -Morroco – Psychologia

” Kerin, we consider that the work you are doing continuing your father’s legacy is very important for Psychology and specifically for Psychological Assessment around the world. The tests published by you bring very important contributions to all professionals who use them and to the people who benefit from the results. We thank you for all the dedication and all the work you do. We are also very grateful to have you and CPS as partners.”
Vetor Editora, Brazil – 8/2022

Kerin, your extremely practical, and it really shows in all your work
Dr. David Abrams


Research Entries

CPS strives to publish cutting edge research, which can occur in a number of contexts and settings, including clinical/consulting, counseling, neuropsychological, forensic, health, social/community, multicultural, developmental/educational, industrial/organizational, and screening of candidates for public safety positions. CPS is interested in receiving manuscripts that consider development and validation of new assessment processes and tests, as well as advance the clinical utility and ecological validity of personality assessment in clinical and nonclinical populations. Ideally, both self-report and non-self-report assessment methods will be part of the validation process, though this is not required for papers to be considered for publication if we are granted permission by the author. Papers that report on studies that use causal or process-focused approaches to validity are particularly encouraged. Moreover, research that focuses exclusively on internal structure (e.g., factor analysis, item response theory) without external validation data are unlikely to be published unless exceptional significance and innovation to the field are clearly articulated. Research that examines a new translation of a test must also substantially advance the broader literature on the test itself to be published. Finally, research using convenience samples, such as university students.  We welcome research on our BAT black and white and color version as well as on our CAT color and black and white versions. We can supply the outline for the research upon request.

University Research

CPS wishes to collaborate with university programs so students can practice their assessment skills and have access to data to use for undergraduate students with their papers, dissertations, presentations etc

Each participant in the studies will receive the assessments without charge however shipping and handling will be received for each and every shipment. CPS has the research outlines for the BAT and CAT upon a signed agreement for any and all those interested .CPS can offer input of other studies being done currently in Brazil, and Italy as well as a slide presentation on the CAT by experts in the field in Brazil. CPS has connections of well known organizations who are familiar with studies that focus on the value of color in assessments. Feel free to inquire.

Autism- Outline “The CAT can be used by professors along with training slides with a classroom presentation with the Director of Training in counseling, school and clinical psychology at graduate schools. Educational material can help with the support of a professor and student. As a professor I showed the CAT to my research class and I explained it can be an example of qualitative research. I will also share it with my ABA program”. Dr. Melissa Scollan-Koliopoulos New Jersey Caldwell University New Jersey 2022

CBS TV Young Sheldon/CAT Research
C.P.S. is proud to announce Warner Brothers presents a new episode of
“Young Sheldon” using the C.A.T.!

To view this episode of Young Sheldon on Pay Per View,
Please visit CBS All Access.

Young Sheldon CBS TV Episode- Oct 13, 2018 2018 A study of Twins U-Tube
1989 Texas
Dr. Sturgis (Wallace Shawn) recommends Sheldon and Missy for a university research study on twins, Thursday,
This study show Sheldon has intellectual intelligence and his twin sister has emotional intelligence

RESEARCH DESIGN for the BAT. For the research study testing your Kerin’s hypothesis that is similar to that of the Rorschach, is that color cards bring out more emotional responses, I suggest that we obtain 40 subjects of college or university age (18 to 21 years equally divided by females and males). Each group will have 10 females and 10 males. Group A will be giving the Monochrome BAT cards and Group B will be given the color BAT cards. This can be used in Autism and with child custody research also.


The stories of Group A and Group B will be scored
1- Total number of emotion works in all 5 bat stories
2- Total number of Positive Emotion Words in all BAT stoires
3- Total number of Negative Emotion Words in all BAT stories. List of Emotion Words.

The color BAT cards are hypothesized to result in the largest number of emotions words., thus proving your color hypothesis. It will also be very easy to score validity and reliability for the BAT with this research study.

Validity and Reliability scores will be obtained from the results of this research study.

Any positive outcomes would be presented onto the CPS website and a Journal.

Autism- Outline “The CAT can be used by professors along with training slides with a classroom presentation with the Director of Training in counseling, school and clinical psychology at graduate schools. Educational material can help with the support of a professor and student. As a professor I showed the CAT to my research class and I explained it can be an example of qualitative research. I will also share it with my ABA program”. Dr. Melissa Scollan-Koliopoulos New Jersey Caldwell University New Jersey 2022


Oedipal Configurations in Same-Sex Families Using the C.A.T. 



CAT research- For Psychologists or Doctoral Students (For Dissertations) wishing to research the CATS both black and white and color for their dissertations…
Click Here for Rorschach Article on Color Factor
CPS will provide the outlines and scoring for this research.
(Upon review, our staff may decide to enter this data into a peer review giving credit to the researcher.)


ADHD Success! Solutions to Boosting Self-Esteem The Diary Method-Ages 7-17 www.reachbeyondadd.com Author Kerin Bellak Adams-(daughter of Dr. Leopold Bellak (pioneer in ADHD)
All undergraduate and graduate students interested in working on their thesis or dissertation on ADHD, email cpspsych2@aol.com


All students receive a 10 % discount on some of our products- Ask your professor to inquire about receiving a discount code! Email cpspsych2@aol.com